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How to correctly distinguish various household paper

Upload Time:2017/09/05 来源:

  Recently, a number of national media reported the phenomenon of indiscriminate use of household paper in various cities, whether it is to wipe the mouth, wipe the face, wipe the bottom or wipe other items, are mixed for one use。In response to this matter, the reporter investigated several small restaurants and most citizens in Changchun City and found that this phenomenon exists。So, how to correctly distinguish between various household paper?

  Citizens have misconceptions about household paper

  When the reporter visited the small restaurants on several streets in Changchun City and investigated the citizens, he found that the web and paper used by most restaurants for customers are three no products。Moreover, all the operators do not know the difference between roll paper, toilet paper and other sanitary paper。For this kind of toilet paper is hygienic, although some people have doubts, but there are also some people said that the toilet paper should be disinfected, it should be hygienic。

  The reporter walked into a hotel in Longli Road and found that the napkins were stacked in the corner, the outer packaging did not have a clear manufacturer, "These papers are delivered directly to the door, and there is no indication of what manufacturers are, are sent into bags, we usually use this paper to wipe our mouths, wipe our hands and what?。"Said the restaurateur。The reporter asked several citizens whether they knew how to correctly distinguish between household paper, most of the citizens said they did not know, and some even said that they were used to wipe things without requiring so much。

  Long-term use of poor quality toilet paper is easy to cause disease

  Because the raw material of inferior toilet paper is made of recycled paper, the raw material itself has been contaminated, containing a large number of bacteria, heavy metals, fungi and so on。In addition, the manufacturers of these paper are basically some unlicensed and unlicensed small workshops, disinfection measures are limited, and some bacteria that must go through strict disinfection procedures to be killed may remain in poor quality toilet paper。If this poor quality toilet paper is used as a napkin, it is easy to wipe a large amount of bleach and whitening agents and other large amounts of toxic substances and bacteria in the paper to the mouth, and then eat into the stomach。

  Long-term use of this paper infected with different bacteria is likely to cause disease。One is to inhale harmful fungi, pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli and so on,Can cause enteritis, typhoid, dysentery and other diseases,Some may also carry hepatitis bacteria;Second, poor quality toilet paper added whitening powder,A large amount of dust may enter the human respiratory tract when used,Cause irritation to the respiratory tract;Third, it can irritate the skin,Cause skin irritation。Therefore, in daily life, napkins should be used correctly after meals, and toilet paper can not be used cheaply as napkins。

  How to distinguish toilet paper, napkins, household paper

  Household paper refers to various types of hygienic wiping paper used by individuals at home and when going out, including roll toilet paper, toilet paper, boxed facial paper, pocket facial paper, paper handkerchief, napkin, toilet paper and kitchen tissue。It is divided into two categories according to different uses: one is tissue paper, and the other is wrinkle toilet paper。Toilet paper is in direct contact with the human body, and its health directly affects the human body。

  Therefore, when purchasing toilet paper, we must pay attention to the following aspects: First, to see whether the product packaging is marked with the health license number, whether it is printed with the factory name, factory address and there is no implementation standard。Second, look at the color of the paper, pure wood pulp paper without any additives, the color should be natural ivory white, the texture is relatively uniform。Three depends on the price, the market retail price is too low toilet paper generally can not contain pure wood pulp。Four depends on the endurance strength, pure wood pulp paper because of the long fiber, so the tension is large, toughness is good, not easy to break, and poor quality paper, there are irregular small holes and powder。Five depends on the result of the fire, good toilet paper is white and gray after burning。Six to look at the shelf life, better napkins, facial tissues and women's articles paper, are marked with implementation standards and shelf life, while most of the poor quality toilet paper is not marked。

  In addition, do not buy rough and hard toilet paper, unpackaged and disinfected unpackaged toilet paper, because the complete packaging of toilet paper is generally disinfected, and unpackaged toilet paper is unsterilized and easy to be contaminated by bacteria。

  There are national standards for disposable sanitary products

  According to the "Sanitary Standards for Disposable sanitary Products" promulgated by the State, the definition of disposable sanitary products, toilet paper such as wrinkle toilet paper is not within the scope of its regulatory monitoring。根据2006年卫生部颁发的《关于<消毒产品标签说明书管理规范>实施过程中有关问题的通知》要求,Paper products factory after obtaining the local provincial health license,May engage in the production of disinfection products,Otherwise the toilet paper produced should be classified as "toilet paper",And on the product packaging label。However, when the reporter visited, he found that there were no relevant words on the outer packaging of many papers。

  Toilet paper, generally used in the bathroom, requires that the paper has a certain resistance to breakage, and it is easy to decompose in case of water, and will not cause blockage of the septic tank。Facial tissues are generally used for the cleaning of hands, faces, etc., requiring a soft quality that is not broken, can absorb water quickly and does not break down scraps of paper。

  Napkins and toilet paper have a fundamental difference, the production process of the two, the development of quality and health standards are not the same, can not replace each other。Napkins have strict disinfection requirements, and it is made of raw pulp, toilet paper is basically made of recycled pulp, so when you wipe your mouth with toilet paper, there will be scraps of paper falling down, which is because of the reason for using recycled paper。Therefore, customers in the meal, it is best not to use this inferior toilet paper。

  It is understood that napkins are called paper towels according to national standards, including facial tissues, wipes, etc., while wrinkle toilet paper is ordinary household paper, which cannot be used during meals。The "Light Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China" have different standards for tissue paper and corrugated toilet paper in raw materials, health standards and quality standards。比如,Tissue paper production workshop as required,It must be disinfected and produced in isolation according to the standard of disposable sanitary products,The toilet paper production workshop has no special requirements;Tissue paper must have a separate minimum package,To ensure that it is always kept in a hygienic isolation state from the factory to the outside world,Toilet paper can generally be used in large packaging;Toilet paper limits only the total bacterial count,Tissue paper is refined to limit the amount of each type of bacteria。

  Generally speaking, the pulp used in better napkins or facial tissues is better, and recycled paper is not used for repeated processing, and the hygiene requirements are relatively high;The toilet paper is mostly processed with recycled paper, and the degree of hygiene is relatively poor。